Fellowship Member Pledge

Our pledge states that you will practice Biomimetic Dentistry to the best of your abilities

What are the requirements?

  • An active member for a minimum of 2 years with their ABD membership listing.
  • Dues have been paid consecutively for 2 or more years.
  • Completed an additional 28 CE hours in approved courses. See below**
  • A non-refundable fee of $695.00 sent to The ABD.

One can take the written test at any time and schedule for their slide presentation slot. Generally, the slide presentations will be evaluated by the Accreditation Committee members via Skype and/ or teleconference throughout the year, as determined by the Committee and according to demand.

*Member in good standing:

Is an active member on the ABD website.
Uses and ethically promotes his/ her BMD skills commensurate with their level of education, training, and understanding.

** Approved Courses:

  • Applies for and passes an open book, multiple-choice, a written exam with 100% as the passing standard. The test may be taken over until a complete pass is achieved.
  • The exam is designed to challenge the applicant’s understanding and skills in both theory and proper application.

The below cases must show proficiency with cusp replacement, usage of Ribbond, caries endpoint protocols, management of cracks into dentin, proper adhesion and IDS, biobase creation and occlusion. Showing the art and science of performing a minimally invasive procedure with maximum seal and thus returning the patient’s tooth structure to closely mimic that of Mother Nature.

Select 12 separate cases in total to present to the fellowship committee to demonstrate your Biomimetic proficiency- Please show a variety of biomimetic case studies, and show all stress-reducing and bond maximizing steps. Demonstrate caries removal endpoint protocols, Ribbond techniques, layering techniques, isolation, etc. and describe the steps taken along the way as outlined below.

Case types should include a variety of the following…

  1. A stress reduced anterior direct or indirect biomimetic reconstruction (at least one case)
  2. A stress reduced direct posterior biomimetic reconstructions where at least one cusp or a wall of tooth structure was lost (at least 2 cases)
  3. Stress reduced indirect Biomimetic restorations including bio base ( at least 1 case)
  4. Biomimetic reconstruction of a vital posterior tooth addressing high C factor (at least 1 case)
  5. Biomimetic reconstruction of a non-vital tooth with a high C factor (1 case)
  6. Biomimetic reconstruction of a posterior tooth with cracks … demonstrating crack removal and supporting cracked tooth structure (at least 2 cases)
  7. Gingival margin elevation (GME) case (at least one case)
  8. Class V biomimetic restoration with deep cervical caries (one case)

Advanced options can be included, however, they are not required for the Fellowship.

  1. Complete reconstruction of a posterior tooth with most tooth structure missing
  2. Complete reconstruction of an anterior tooth with most tooth structure missing

Exceptions may be made with committee approval.

The above cases must show proficiency with cusp replacement, usage of Ribbond, caries end point protocols, management of cracks into dentin, proper adhesion and IDS, biobase creation and occlusion. Showing the art and science of performing a minimally invasive procedure with maximum seal and thus returning the patient’s tooth structure to closely mimic that of Mother Nature.

***By start to finish is meant the following steps shown with written and photographic evidence. The number of minimum slide guidelines is presented in the checklist below:

Case presentations for Fellowship should be overseen by the assigned mentor and presented on the Thursday of our annual conference before the Fellowship Committee Board. If approved, the Fellowship candidates will have their Accreditation presented during the main conference in front of all attendees.

List title and category of the type of Biomimetic Restoration being presented.

  1. Take Pre-op photos and X-rays slide
  2. Check occlusion (documented /photo preferred)
  3. Check vitality (documented).
  4. Isolation technique. Preferably Rubber Dam. Pre-op isolated.
  5. Endpoint caries removal using caries indicator dye and showing the apparent difference of infected vs. affected dentin.
  6. Manage cracks into dentin as needed.
  7. Air abrasion and IDS steps.
  8. Wait for 5 minutes for good polymerization.
  9. Showing the 0.5 mm flowable lining of all dentin
  10. Biobase build up with or without Ribbond. Showing small incremental steps and Ribbond placement.
  11. Photo of Completion of restoration using direct/ indirect or semi-direct systems. Showing the adhesive steps if an Indirect or semi-direct restoration is used.
  12. Post-op Occlusion/Post-op X-rays

Once certified by the Board the Doctor may promote and post their new Fellow Membership level status, FABD on the website and any other marketing vehicle.

  • This level is Granted for 1 year. It may be renewed and posted as current by attending the annual meeting and keeping their listing membership dues current. Otherwise, they will be relegated to Inactive Accreditation status.

**Note: At this time the ABD recognizes If you’ve attended the following:

Therefore, one may use any combination of these courses TOWARD YOUR FELLOWSHIP. Once the required 28 additional CE hours are reached and you have been an Accredited member for 2 or more years one can submit for their Fellowship Accreditation packet.

Side note: clarification of ABD Instructors.

All other instructors ideally should be Fellows if they wish to teach and be recommended by the ABD.


We may also select various lecturers to our ABD meetings who are not fellows in the ABD at our discretion if it parallels our biomimetic standards.

GRANDFATHER CLAUSE: (expires annual meeting 2022).

For those members who have been involved with BMD and the ABD for many years, you can apply to take your Accreditation test and once passed apply for your fellowship. In other words, if you have met the fellowship pre-requisites and have been involved with your membership for the required years you may fast track toward your Fellowship Status.

All exams, testing and Accreditation protocols subject to change as our group evolves

Contact us with any questions: info@aobmd.org

Fellowship Member Pledge

You must have an Active
membership in order to proceed.

Upcoming Event on March 29th - How to build a successful and sustainable Biomimetic Dental Practice - Drs. Torigoe, Gammichia and Gillespie