[Course Programs] Biomimetic Dentistry: Extreme Tooth Preservation

The Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry is pleased to announce a series of hands-on course programs offered by Dr. Simone Deliperi.

Why should you get these courses on your calendar?

Because over the years, Dr. Deliperi has worked with the most important researchers and clinicians in the field of biomimetic dentistry. Dr. Deliperi has played a major role in the research which has proven the long-term success of advanced bonding — which is at the very essence of biomimetic dentistry. He has also developed clinical protocols to preserve the remaining sound tooth structure with the final goal being to avoid root canal treatment and tooth capping with crowns thus also reducing costs for the patients.

Dr. Deliperi’s CV can be viewed HERE.

The following are a series of hands-on courses Dr. Deliperi will be offering on the topic of “Extreme Tooth Preservation.”

Accreditation Course on Biomimetic Dentistry 2019

Biomimetic Dentistry: The Extreme Tooth Preservation”

Level I (Basic training)- Dallas, Texas on April 14, 2019:

Hands-on courses on Stress-reduced direct Anterior and Posterior Restorations

This program reviews the Stress-Reduced Direct Composite (SRDC) protocol on both anterior and posterior teeth. The two hands-on sessions allow clinicians to become familiar with a predictable composite layering technique for the restoration of large size cavities.

Level II (Intermediate training)– Salt Lake City, Utah on  June 6-8, 2019: 

Workshop, lecture and literature review on both posterior and anterior stress-reduced direct composite restorations

The masters demonstrate the SRDC protocol for structurally compromised anterior and posterior teeth. Attendees observe a step-by-step technique while the masters replicate some clinical cases shown through both slide and video presentations.

 Level III (advanced training)– Cagliari, Italy on Sept 16-19, 2019:

Live patient demo, hands-on courses and literature review on Stress-reduced direct

composite restorations in the anterior and posterior area

A great chance to gain the biomimetic skills and knowledge for mastering the technique. Participants can see the inventor of the SRDC protocol working on his patients to solve challenging clinical cases. The most advanced protocols, the tips, and tricks of extreme tooth preservation and composite layering can only be learned at the Sardinia Dental Teaching Center.

For more on course descriptions and information, please click HERE.

Upcoming Event on March 29th - How to build a successful and sustainable Biomimetic Dental Practice - Drs. Torigoe, Gammichia and Gillespie