Dallas 2020 Event Update (Covid-19)
Dear ABD Members and Friends,
We have been carefully monitoring the coronavirus developments as they unfold, both domestically and globally. In light of the recent travel ban from Europe to the United States and in the interest of addressing the health and safety of our members and their families and practices we are unfortunately not able to move forward with our annual convention in Dallas next month. Our keynote speaker was flying in from Germany and another speaker from Switzerland. This was not an easy decision and we hoped that things may change and get under control. However, it may take a number of weeks before this turns a corner and we will all have to just stay bonded from afar until then.
The Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry is committed to revolutionizing the dental world and teaching, learning and sharing this knowledge to help further our profession and improve the lives of our patients. We do have many exciting things to share with everyone, including a way to be officially certified as a Biomimetic Dentist and using that title to distinguish yourselves from your peers. We also are introducing our Fellowship program and have mentors to guide those interested along the path to achieving that special distinction. Our website has been constantly improving and is an amazing source of information and can help you to further your biomimetic education and promote your practice. You should all join our search engine so that anyone seeking a biomimetic dentist in their area can find you. Our search engines will also highlight if you are certified or a Fellow in the ABD.
We are actively growing our membership and have already selected the location of our 2021 conference, which will be in Los Angeles, CA tentatively on April 14 – 17, 2021 and our speaker line up is going to be AMAZING! Our keynote speaker will be none other than Pascal Magne himself, and the rest of our line-up is being finalized and will be unveiled very soon.
Most of you have already reached out and expressed that you would like your conference ticket purchase to go towards the 8th Annual Biomimetic Dentistry Conference in Los Angeles, CA in 2021. If you are unable to attend or wish to make other arrangements, please feel free to contact us at any time. We would be happy to discuss all the options. We will be working closely with the OMNI Park West Hotel to cancel all hotel reservations.
We will still be here to assist you as you navigate these upcoming weeks. Our staff is still on hand and the ABD continues to provide support and guidance, so please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. We are grateful for your support as we navigate these uncharted waters. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us. As is our history, we will emerge from this stronger than ever.
- Michel Haynie, D.D.S.President of the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry
- Marc Lazare, D.D.S., M.A.G.DPresident-elect of the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry
- Saul Pressner, D.M.D., F.A.G.D Past President of the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry