[UPCOMING CLASSES] The Power of Biomimetic Dentistry

National and international lecturer, Dr. Simone Deliperi, is teaming up with Dr. David Alleman to offer a series of talks this spring, summer, and early fall.
The lecture series is called: Power of Biomimetic Dentistry: Maximum Tooth preservation, Function and Aesthetics via Stress-Reduced Restoration
April 16-19, 2018, Cagliari, Italy
Piazza Unione Sarda 39 Cagliari, Sardinia
Posterior Teeth
Day 1 : MOD restorations Stress-Reduced Direct Composite (SRDC): 10-year results
Day 2: Cusp replacing restorations Stress-reduced direct composite restorations(SRDC) and fi ber lay down protocols for structurally compromised teeth: 8-year results
Day 3: Severely Structurally compromised Teeth Stress-reduced semidirect composite (SRSC) restorations and the Bio-Base: 6-year results
Day 4: Th e Biomimetic full mouth rehabilitation TMJ, TMD and Full mouth rehabilitation via SRDC and SRSD restorations: 5-y results
Bonus: hands-on course and workshop on dental photography
June 1-2, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah
Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City
Day I: Fundamentals of Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry
- Structural Analysis
- Increasing Bond strength
- Decreasing Polymerization and Functional Stresses
- The Biomimetic Restorative Dental Paradigm.
By decreasing stresses of polymerization and occlusion, dental bonds are maximized and preserved. By preserving high dental bonds, peripheral seals are maintained. By maintaining peripheral seals re-decay and fractures are eliminated.
We will review each area and present 27 key scientific facts that have been established from the literature. Th ese facts are the foundation of the Alleman-Deliperi protocols which biomimetic restorative dentistry is founded on.
Day II: From science to clinical practice: clinical protocols on biomimetic restorative dentistry
- Stress-reduced direct composite (SRDC) restorations in the anterior area
- Form, Shade and Layering from Deliperi S. JERD 2011
- SRDC veneers
- Additive protocol for the worn dentition
- Fiber lay down protocols for structurally compromised teeth
- Full-mouth rehabilitation
September 17-20, 2018, Cagliari Italy
Anterior Teeth
Day 1 : Class III and Class IV restorations SRDC: 10-year results
Day 2: Additive SRDC Veneers SRDC veneers: diastema closure 10-y results
Day 3: Additive SRDC Veneers for Structurally Compromised Teeth SRDC veneers: worn dentition and the Dahl principle
Day 4: Additive Full Crown Restorations for Severely Damaged Teeth SRDC and fi ber lay down protocols: teeth suff ering from trauma and endodontic treatment.
To learn more about this lecture series, please click HERE.