Upcoming Free Webinar: CDE: Stress Management for Dentists During the Covid-19 Pandemic

penn dental medicine

As the spread of the COVID-19 virus and implementation of stricter community rules continue, so do people’s anxieties and stress.
Dentists are not immune to the increased stress due to the pandemic. As we continue with our practice, it is crucial to know how to recognize signs of stress and how to manage stress properly.

On June 10th, Penn Dental Medicine will be holding a virtual lecture via Zoom to discuss this timely issue. The free webinar, Stress Management for Dentists During the COVID-19 Pandemic, will run from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM ET.

The Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry’s own board member and President-elect Dr. Saul Pressner, DMD, is one of the speakers at the event.
Dr. Pressner will talk about the importance of stress management, ways to recognize overt and hidden stress, and effective strategies for dealing with pandemic stress.

Webinar Objectives and Description

Joining Dr. Pressner for the lecture is Dr. Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary, PhD, the founder of Wise Therapeutics and a professor of psychology and neuroscience. Dr. Markus Blatz will moderate the discussion.

The two speakers will be addressing the stress dentists face in their practice amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The free webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Recognizing overt and hidden signs of stress
  • Developing effective stress management strategies for dealing with stressful practice situations during the pandemic
  • Useful tools for fortifying mental health and improving reactions to stressful practice situations

Stress Management for Dentists During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly shifted our way of life. We have had to adapt and change how we do almost everything — from getting groceries to operating dental practices. Everything happening during this pandemic is contributing to higher levels of stress.

High Stress Levels Amid the Pandemic

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Limited amounts of stress can be good for us. It can motivate us to perform better and push our limits. Extreme amounts of stress, however, does the opposite. Heightened stress levels on a regular basis can push our coping limits and adversely affect our health. Ironically, stressing too much about the coronavirus can greatly weaken our bodies and make us more susceptible to COVID-19. Learning how to manage our stress is essential for our health, quality of life, and continued dental practice.

Learn Stress Management Strategies

Join us on Thursday, June 10th to gain timely knowledge and support our ABD President-elect Dr. Saul Pressner, DMD through Penn Dental Medicine’s webinar.
Take advantage of this free opportunity to understand the signs of stress and develop stress management strategies for our optimum health and dental practice.
Visit the Penn Dental Academy’s event page now and register for free!

Upcoming Event on August 24th - Helpful Hints When Performing Biomimetic Dentistry - Dr. Matt Nejad